I had such a great day/evening yesterday...what a fabulous birthday! Thank you to everyone who helped make it a special day. Something EXTRA special...my cousin's wife delivered their new baby on my birthday! I TOLD her when she first found out that she was pregnant that she should aim for April 28...little Sidney, named for our grandfather, was listening! Yay!
Today, I am stumped over what I should blog about. This is the reason I have held off on starting a blog for years. I mainly started this one to chronicle my journey of starting a home bakery and what goes into that...and to advertise for the business once it's officially open. But, as I warned yesterday, until I'm really busy with that, it will be a lot of rambling.
You know that I'm prone to rambling, right? If you're reading this blog this early in the game, I probably know you in person, and you probably know that I ramble. Which probably also means that I've apologized for rambling. I'm totally aware of this problem, but it never really improves, spoken or written. :-) I have a lot to say. I'm not sure how much of it is very important, but I have it to say anyway!
See, I just wrote an entire paragraph about rambling. THAT is rambling. And now I'm starting a paragraph about writing a paragraph about rambling. MORE rambling. Let's change the subject before it gets even more ridiculous.
Sam, Brayden, and I ALL slept late this morning. It felt great to stretch out and go back to sleep after Christian left for work :-) Brayden, bless his soul, had a bit of tummy trouble this morning...the type of tummy trouble that really makes me consider throwing a cloth diaper into the trash! Eww! After a couple of nasty diapers, he had a bath and is now sleeping peacefully, fresh and clean...I hope he stays that way when he wakes up!! So basically I got nothing household and/or kitchen related accomplished so far today. Sam, bless HIS soul, informed me that it is Hamm's birthday today. Hamm is the piggy bank in the Disney Toy Story movies, and Sam, a Toy Story fanatic, has a stuffed Hamm. Hamm is wearing a party hat, and he would like cake and singing please. Hamm must be happy because we have sung "Happy Birthday" to him several times!! Luckily...I had some cupcakes in the freezer. I think Hamm mostly wants cake because Sam wouldn't even try a bite of the blueberry coffee cake my mom brought over last night! HAHA! In all fairness, it didn't LOOK like a birthday cake, but it WAS delicious! Thanks Mom! Do you want to know my dirty little bakery secret? I am NOT a cake fan! I'll take cookies, pies, or brownies any day, but cake, I can take it or leave it. I do love coffee cake and muffins though...and those, my friends, are technically "quick breads"
Ahhhhh....so that has been my day so far. I "accomplished" nothing...but I had the time with my boys, and that is why I do what I do! Love them!!
Things I am thinking about today: cleaning up the yard, designing a "logo" for Capo Cucina, finishing painting the kitchen (we ran out of steam when we started 3 years ago...windows and some of the trim are STILL not painted and the cupboards are in need of a touch-up), organizing my entire house (yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh.)...do any of you have any great ideas for a logo?
What's for dinner at your house? Italian sausage with sauteed potatoes/veggies here. (vegetarian sausage for me, obviously) Mmmmmm.....I could totally eat the pesto that Christian made last night...it...was...sooooo...good....and worth falling off the weight watchers band wagon for the night. Nothing beats homemade pasta sauces!! He didn't make the pasta from scratch, as that is definitely a weekend endeavor...but it was still to die for!! I teased him for making me brownies from a box...I'm a "scratch baker" ONLY, to buy brownies is to commit kitchen blashpemy as far as I'm concerned...but they were Ghiradelli, so they were still really YUMMY! (Did I mention that I had 3 birthday cakes and lost track of weight watchers points by early afternoon yesterday? whoops.)
I try to make/bake something every day. Yesterday I made some wheat Italian bread...not my best bread, but fresh bread is almost always good!! Sent the extra loaf home with my mom and dad. What should I make today? The day is really getting away from me today...hmmm...maybe some bagels, as I'm stocking up for Brayden's first birthday party brunch...we'll see...pretzels have been popular lately around here too. :-) Even finicky Sam loves a fresh soft pretzel! Who doesn't? Yum! The soft pretzel "problem" in this house is that *I* like New York style and Christian likes Philadelphia style. Sam and Brayden both love any pretzel! haha! After the late morning and tummy trouble....it might just be the kind of day when cooking dinner counts as making something.
Have a great day, everyone!! :-)
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