Read by flashlight. Yes, we're that nerdy. In Christian's case, he fell asleep with a book on his face.
Give Daddy a "haircut" with a screw driver and a drill. Sam is very into the haircut. I think Emma is thankful to be bald! haha!!
Get grouchy because Mommy needs a cup of coffee (or several) and a hot shower to feel like a human in the morning.
Wear cute baby legs. She also does this when we do have electricity but I am just working this in here for my sister, who had never heard of baby leg warmers until I got her some!
Hang out in PJs and do some schoolwork. (Speaking of home schooling, I am wishing that I bought a few first grade books instead of all kindergarten. The book he has in this picture is a Brain Quest book with lots of fun stuff in it!)
Play rousing games of Candy Land.
Start panicking that you are going to run out of cloth diapers even though you have plenty of clean ones.
Go visit people who DO have electricity. Use their dryer and wash the diapers you are sure you are going to run out of. (Thanks Gram.) And make coffee. Because you need it. Desperately!
Be thankful that you live next to a creek so you can flush the toilet.
Eat food that should be warm cold. My husband is especially good at this. (eww)
Ponder how if you could just have running water, you might not miss electricity during the day.
But above ALL....BE YOURSELF! (Never a problem for Brayden!)
Please continue to pray for those in Broome County and surrounding areas who are experiencing the devastating effects of the flood....
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